Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sledding and Snowballs

It snowed on Christmas Eve, but we didn't actually go play in it until Sunday....3 days later.
The boys were SO excited. We had been telling them for days that they could play in it, but everyday was either way too cold or way too busy with Christmas events.
Finally by Sunday it was not as cold and we were not busy.
We usually take the kids to the park by us, but the little ditch right down the street actually had more snow in it, so that's where we headed.
The boys jumped right on their sleds.

Lily went with Jeff.

She went down a few more times with both Jeff & I, and then said, "I'm done!"
Here she is walking in the snow (which she thought was funny) and her idea of a snow angel.

Riley had a lot of fun sledding!!

Zach went sledding, made snow angels, and threw snowballs. He was definitely trying to get everything into one outing. =)

Here are all of the kids throwing snowballs at Jeff....

he even stood still for Lily & Riley. Such a good sport. ;-)
We got even more snow last night, just as the old snow was finally melting.
So, the boys are off to the backyard to play in it again!!

Monday, December 28, 2009


It looks like Santa's Workshop exploded in our Family room.....and I am not in the least bit interested in cleaning it up yet. Santa (and grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Godparents.....) were all very generous to the kids this year. They are very lucky to have so many people who love them!!

They started this free for all of gifts on Christmas morning when they woke up (early) to see what Santa had brought them.

Here they all are sitting contently with what they were given......

....and here they all are (5 minutes later) playing with something their sibling was given..... =)

After breakfast (candy), it was time to open presents from each other.

Then we headed off to my parent's house for more presents and a yummy dinner.
The kids got to play with their many gifts that night, and then it was off to Jeff's parents house the next morning for even more yummy food and gifts.

My camera battery died at Jeff's parents house, so sadly, I have no pictures of that, and it is usually mass chaos at my parent's house with the 30-some people who are there, so I did not get too many pictures there either. =(
We recuperated yesterday and the kids are in full playing mode today.
No one should be bored around here for at least a few more days..... =)
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and spent lots of time with loved ones!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Pictures

Every Christmas Eve, we get our "Christmas clothes" on, and take pictures in front of the Christmas tree before going to Christmas Eve Mass.

And I had to throw this one in too, because it cracked me up. =)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The children were sleeping, all snug in their beds....

.....when we remembered that we forgot to put out cookies and milk for Santa!!!

Ok, they weren't actually asleep, and they had just gone to bed, but still! I can't believe we forgot! Jeff was the one to remind me, so we called the kids downstairs and told them to each choose a cookie and then they decided that Santa would like chocolate milk.

Now the kids really are sleeping, all snug in their beds, waiting for Santa to come.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Field Trip & Parties

Yesterday and today were busy days at Zach and Riley's schools.
Zach had a field trip to the Museum of World Treasures, and Riley had his class Christmas party yesterday.
Jeff went with Zach & I went with Riley (and Lily).

We have never been to the Museum of World Treasures before. Jeff said it was interesting and that Zach enjoyed it.

This is one of the things he got to see!

While Jeff was there, I was partying with Riley and Lily. =)
After some yummy snacks, Santa came by to hand out presents!!!

Lily was super excited and was the first in line to sit on Santa's lap......even though it was not her class party......

Riley couldn't even wait for Lily to get down. He just jumped up on Santa and gave him a BIG hug!

We finally got him to stop hugging long enough for him to turn around for a picture.

Then today was Zach's class party.
They made Santa magnets for an art project.

Then Santa showed up here too!!! He is SUCH a busy guy! ;-)

Every child got a present from Santa.

After Santa moved on to another classroom, the kids got to dig into their snacks.
Both boys (and Lily) had fun at their parties.
Now they are off until January 5th!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Getting Closer.....

Christmas is less than a week away!
We lit all four candles on our Advent Wreath tonight.
The kids were very excited about this. It means that Christmas is really, really close.....and it means they get to blow out four candles when it is their turn.
It's amazing how important that is. =)

This week I plan on doing a lot of Christmas stuff, but I want to try to slow down and enjoy it more than I did the last week. Last week was so jam-packed with events, that I didn't have time to just enjoy it.

I started today by doing a little baking and taking the kids to a special storytime at the library where they got cookies, hot chocolate, and take-home art projects.
When we got home, we watched The Polar Express, and wrapped presents to Jeff from the kids.
(Jeff was taking a much needed break in KC with his brothers to watch the Chief's game.)

Other things I am going to try to accomplish this week before Friday:

More baking.....
reading Christmas stories....

listening to Christmas music.....

wrapping a few more presents....

watching Christmas movies.....

and doing more art projects.....

with these three cuties.

We still have parties at school with both boys, the house needs to be cleaned and I have some laundry that is piling up, but hopefully all of us can just enjoy each other this week.
Have a GREAT week!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Art Projects

Here are some of the art projects we have been doing around here lately. I am sure we will do lots more next week, especially since Zach will be out of school and he LOVES to do art, but here are the ones we have done so far.

This one was super easy.....I just bought foam stickers from Michael's. Still counts as an art project though, right? ;-)

Another thing we made was wreaths. Just a small paper plate with the middle cut out, cut up pieces of green paper, and red glitter glue for the berries.

The kids liked this one the best. Anything using their hands and/or feet is funny to them. =)

The next thing we made was Santa faces with cotton balls.

Then we decorated paper gingerbread men.

Poor Zach only got to make two of these things since we seem to be SUPER busy in the evenings running to meetings, Christmas parties, Christmas concerts, and Boy Scout stuff. All fun and good things, they just have been keeping us busy. So, hopefully Zach can catch up next week. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Yesterday we invited some cousins over to make gingerbread houses.
OK, we actually made graham cracker houses, but it's basically the same thing. =)
We started with all of these yummy goodies!

We used frosting to stick the graham crackers to little orange juice boxes, and then used more frosting to add all of the details.

The kids had a lot of fun making their houses look good!

They all did a GREAT job!!!

After dinner, Zach, Riley, and Lily got to eat their houses.

I think that was as much fun for them as making them!