Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Zach, The Super Helper!

Zach has been a super big helper the past several days. Jeff still has a little bit of trouble breathing sometimes from the pneumonia he's had for over a month now, and on Monday, I went to the doctor where they told me I not only had a sinus infection, but also bronchitis. :0(  So, Zach has stepped up big time. He has fixed lunch for himself and Riley & Lily, he has helped out with the laundry, switching out the loads so I don't have to go up and down the stairs a lot, and he has been going to get things for me when I need them. All without complaining once!
Last night I noticed that the lawn needed to be mowed. I didn't really want to wait until I was better because by then, the lawn waould be really tall, and it is supposed to be 110 degrees. I really don't want to mow in that. Zach has been asking if he can mow the lawn, so last night we gave him that chance. He readily agreed. (It didn't hurt that we told him we would pay him though.) ;0)  He did a great job!
Thank you SO much Zach for being such a big helper when Dad & I really needed it! We love you!