Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall Fun!

Today, we went to my parents' house to play in the leaves! We have one little tree, and it does not produce that many leaves for the kids to play in. My parents, however, have tons of trees!! Plenty of leaves for everyone!! :0)

Zach of course hopped onto the riding lawnmower as soon as he could....

Lily & Riley started raking leaves & playing in them though.

Riley is rising from the dead here......


Yep, still on that thing. Only now, Granddad had let him put the blade down & he is mulching all of the leaves. That's the big time people. Not just any grandkid gets to ride it with the blade down.

Back to the leaves:

Zach finally got tired of the mower, and came to play with Lily & Riley. Granddad helped them out by covering them with leaves. :0)

It's snowing!! ;0)

Thanks Grammy & Granddad for letting us throw leaves all over your yard!! :0)


  1. I like your "that's the big time people" comment. LOL!

  2. That looks like so much fun! That reminds me I promised a friend that we would rake the leaves at their house.
