So, since I don't see Emma very much anymore, [ :0( ] I decided to kidnap her from her momma and take her to eat junk food (McDonalds) and then to go play at Exploration Place!!
I love this little monkey. :0)
Emma really liked the walkway where you could see all of the water.
She ran straight for the puzzles first.
She wasn't too sure about these horses until I put her up on one. Then she loved it. We made several return trips to the horses. :0)
This "garden' was also a favorite.
Queen Emma!
She liked the hallway of stars. She kept saying, "I see stars! Oh! Stars!"
She loved this crazy mirror! LOL!
I think she might be a musical prodigy. ;0)
This was actually pretty cool. You could make stained glass windows from these shapes on a lighted board.
Fishing! She really liked the fishing. The first time she went to do this activity, a boy a little older than her really, really wanted to help her. She tolerated his help (LOL!) but didn't really like it. (Hee hee!) Sop she was much happier doing it herself.
Kansas in miniature!!
Yes, I am a mean aunt. I tricked her into getting into the hurricane wind machine. She wasn't a fan..... ;0)
I let her out right after these pictures.
Wet sand!!
It's like it's a 2 year olds dream! ;0)
After all of that, we went to the airplane exhibit! Emma loves airplanes!!
She liked the simulators. She didn't want to fly it though, she wanted me to. She did tell me I broke it when I crashed though.....
When we went back around to the section we started at, the teeter-totter was free!
Then it was back to fishing. ;0)
We sent her mommy a picture of her eating cookies because she was SO good!
I think I wore her out!
We went by Grammy & Granddad's house to see them. She hung out with them while I picked up "the kids". Emma was so excited to see them & they were ecstatic to see her! They love their Emma!
It was such a fun day! :0)
She is such a cutie! I bet she loved being with her aunt jenny!!
When she saw this she said "My Jenny!" Thanks for taking her for the afternoon. I know she had fun!