We had our second annual Polar Express Night last Sunday. It was a success!! We had yummy food and hot chocolate, and of course, the movie Polar Express up on the projector!
We even had some extras for the adult's hot chocolate! ;0)
When the kids got to our house, they got a Polar Express ticket:
They got their treats, and we started the movie!
Then a very special visitor came!! The kids were SO excited to see Santa!!
(AKA Uncle Bill!)
Lily was really, really excited! She kept going up and hugging him. :0)
I finally coaxed Zach into coming downstairs long enough to get one picture with Santa. (This almost 13 year old thinks he's too old for this stuff!)
Lily showing Santa a book about himself. ;0)
Santa with Grammy:
Santa with my three oldest nieces:
All of the kids got silver bells from Santa, just like in the movie.
After Santa left, the kids went back to watching the movie. It is always so fun to see their reaction to Santa!!
I wish I stilled lived in town to do this with you all! What fun!