This Blog is to share photos and stories about the Logan Family.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
At the end of the year, Riley's preschool teacher has a big picnic for all three preschool classes at a park. It is a lot of fun for the kids to get together and play one last time before Summer. All of the parents bring food to share and get to talk to each other while the kids are playing. Riley was super excited about today. He had already reached the equipment before I could get Lily out of the car!
Here are my little daredevils:
Sorry this is just a shot of the top of their heads, Riley and his friend Natalie were very intent on the sand castle they were building and did not have time for me to take their picture. =)
Jeff was able to take a long lunch break and join us at the park. Riley and Lily were excited to see him. It is so cute how they act like they haven't seen him in years when they see him in the middle of the day.
We had a yummy lunch!
Then it was back to playing!!
Riley had a great year in Pre-3 and learned so much!! We are very excited that he will get to have Miss Eva again next year for Pre-4!
I'm impressed that you let Lily climb those bars! It makes me so nervous when Eli tries to climb them!!! Hope we get to see you this summer!