We got in late at my brother Joe & his wife, Udrika's house.
(Thanks for letting us stay with you!!)
Early Saturday morning, we headed over for breakfast with Jeff's family.
Lily & her cousin Elayne were hanging out there:
While we were doing that, Joe & Udrika took the kids to a carnival!
They had a BLAST!!!
(and thanks for the cute pictures!)
Then we all got ready for the wedding!
Here is the beautiful bride:
This is what the boys were all doing while waiting for the wedding to start:
Then the wedding began......
Jeff & Amy:
They were nice and loaded up on cotton candy when we got back.
Then we all got ready for the wedding!
Congratulations Amy & Tim!!
At the reception, they had cute little jewels all over the table.
Zach chose to do this with them......
Poor Riley had a little too much cake............
I won't describe what happened here on the blog......
but it wasn't pretty......
It was probably a good thing we left a little early though.
It was probably a good thing we left a little early though.
About five minutes after we got in the car, this happened:
S'Mores had been promised to them earlier in the day,
so after we put Lily to bed, we headed outside to make them.
I think this is the first time I've seen a picture of YOU! What a good looking family! :)