She won't be 4 until June 27th, but we will be in St. Maarten on her Birthday (YEAH!!!), so we had her Birthday party early.
Lily got to share her party with her cousin Ares again this year!!
Since they are only a week apart in age, it just makes sense to share their party. =)
Lily was super excited about her party when she got up.
She couldn't wait to get in her party dress:

(She is getting one small present in St. Maarten so she gets to open something on her actual Birthday though).

The themes were Buzz Lightyear and My Little Ponies/Rainbows.
Can you guess who's theme is who's? ;0)

Then it was present time!

Ares had a Buzz Lightyear cake that my sister Mary made:
She did a great job!!!

He sang along and even said his own name. Very cute. =)
In addition to the cakes we had these cupcakes with rainbow colors for frosting.
I have discovered Wilton icing colors and I love them.
They are SO bright!!!
It had a rainbow & some of her mini ponies on the top along with cute rainbow candles.
I actually made Lily's cake, which is a shock to some people, because I don't usually make my children's Birthday cakes.
Mainly because it looked like this on the inside:

I usually make my sister Mary do it.
Not because I can't bake, I can, but because I can not decorate cakes to save my life.
So while I did bake & frost this cake, I did not actually decorate it.
I made Mary do that when she got to my house. ;0)
She pre-made the rainbow & then wrote Happy Birthday Lily on it.
Yep, I can not write on looks bad...
Lily loved her cake.

I got the idea for it here.
It was not only pretty, it was yummy too!
I think both kids had fun and I know they each got a lot of cool presents.
And while Lily loved all of her presents, I think she was partial to this one:
She wore it for the rest of the day..... =)
Now Lily is excited for her real Birthday, because she gets to spend it on the beach!!!
Now Lily is excited for her real Birthday, because she gets to spend it on the beach!!!
Your cake was awesome Jenny - Thanks for sending me the icing recipe! It tasted awesome too! I think they all had a great time and Ares and Lily LOVED their party!!
I still need to attempt a rainbow cake sometime. So fun! St. Maarten?! Oh, I'm jealous. Cannot wait to see those blog pictures!