Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Here is just a bunch of random stuff that has been going on around here.

Last week I had my 35th Birthday.....yeah.... ;0)

Zach made this sign for Riley:

AWE! See, they can get along!! :0)

After the last snow, Jeff made snow ice cream, but fancied it up by adding mint flavoring, green food coloring, and chocolate chips. They kids were in love!!

I tutor Mr. Ares twice a week, and this week, we had an egg hunt where he had to find the eggs, which had letters on them, in order of the alphabet. His motivator? The "Z" had candy in it. ;0)

These ice cream eggs are delicious.

Riley thought this was a good outfit that he put together:

Before I remembered how he was dressed, I let him go into the school to get Zach from scouts.....

This little cutie cracks me up all of the time!

I have been getting all crafty for Easter! I made this banner from printed off letters, and ribbon & wooden shapes I found in the $ bin at Target!

The kids are going to take these jars filled with peanut butter eggs to their teachers this week:

This is what my family room looks like right now....

I bet you know what the kids are going to be doing in the near future.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to guess that they are going to move to the living room and start on it ;0)

    Liked your Pintrest stuff! They have such cool ideas! I am stealing your A-Z egg hunt!

