Last night, we took the boys to their very first Kansas City Chief's game. Jeff is a big fan and we go to games every year, but we have never taken the boys before. They were really excited to go. After three hours in the car, they were really, really excited to get there. =)
Zach couldn't believe how big the stadium was.
My three boys!
All of us decked out in our Chief shirts. (Jeff makes me wear one.....) =)
Riley even has Chief's socks!

KC Wolf!
The boys loved when the cheerleaders and players came out and then the fireworks went off.
Riley got so is so cute!
We were sitting, watching the game when it started doing this:
It was POURING!!!
Luckily, we were under the overhang!
Riley's favorite part was all of the music. He danced to it all night!
The boys actually lasted until the end of the third quarter, then they started to get tired (it was 9:30) and we still had a three hour drive home. So, we ran through the rain to our car and started home. The boys (and Jeff and I) had a lot of fun! I foresee many Logan Family trips to KC in the future. =)