We had a wonderful Easter weekend! It started out on Saturday evening. We usually go to Easter mass on Sunday morning, but Zach really wanted to go to Easter Vigil mass on Saturday. It is a loooong mass. We have never taken the kids because sometimes they don't last 1 hour, let alone 2 1/2 hours! But, Zach had been asking to go, and I didn't want the reason for not going to be because I didn't want to sit through that long of a mass with 3 kids. That's not really setting the example I want for my kids, so we went. We got the kids dressed up:

Mass didn't start until 8:00, because they start with the lighting of the Easter candle, then everyone gets to light a taper off of the Easter candle and then process into the dark church with just the candles for light. It is really pretty to see all of that candlelight. The kids really liked that part. Riley was the only one to fall asleep (mass got over at 10:30), but they were all really good. Jeff & I were pleasantly surprised. =)
Since we went to mass the night before, we (the kids & I, poor Jeff got up at 3:15 to start smoking the meat for lunch) got to sleep in a little bit. Riley was the first one up at 8:00, so we woke up the other two kids and went downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought them and to find eggs!
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