I made them Thursday evening. When I was finally done with them, after baking them, putting a skim layer of frosting on, going and getting more frosting, and piling a ton more frosting on, then putting sprinkles on top, (while telling my 3 children: stop coming in the kitchen; no you're not getting one now; stop trying to lick the frosting!!) I got these:

The kids finally got one after I was all done. Lily really liked it:
My brilliant husband made this for me to transport them to school:

Then on Friday Lily & I went to Riley's class so he could share these yummy treats with his friends. He got to sit in the front of the class and they sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

Later on, after Jeff got home from work, Riley got to open his presents from us.

I think Lily & Zach liked Riley's presents as much as he did.
After that we headed to Red Robin's for dinner and then back home for cherry pie!

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