Saturday, February 2, 2013

Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week was this past week. They had a lot of fun activities to help celebrate this special week! On Monday, they had Cougar (The All Saints mascot) paw cookies and then they sent off yellow balloons with All Saints address and our mission statement on it to see how far they went!

During the week, they had a religious store open where they could buy religious items, a spelling bee, religion bowl, a special story teller, an 8th grade VS the faculty volleyball game, hat day, & silly sock day. On Friday, the parents came to eat lunch with the kids. Jeff ate with Lily & Riley, and Emma & I ate with Zach! 

In the afternoon, they had mini sessions. I loved doing mini sessions during Catholic Schools Week when I was in school. They were SO fun! The kids all get to pick 3 things they want to do and get to spend 20 minutes doing each thing. Zach got to do Chemistry Camp, Robotics, and Horse Care. Riley went to Chemistry Camp, Robotics, and Horse Care too! (They had lots of choices, but these two obviously have the same interests!) Lily chose Donut Dipping, Cake Pop Making, and Horse Care. They all had a lot of fun!


  1. Hmmm, sounds like your next purchase should be a horse!

  2. I totally forgot about those mini sessions! I so loved those too! Of course I don't remember do all those other really cool things during Catholic Schools Week. They really are kicking it up a notch or two :0)

