Monday, July 13, 2009

# 6: Catch Fireflies

Number 6 on the kids' summer list was catching fireflies. For some reason we don't have any fireflies at our house, so we headed over to Grammy and Granddad's house where there are tons! I bought the kids nets to catch the fireflies in....

....and after telling them several times to stop putting them on their heads or each other's heads, I was wondering why I had bought them long sticks with nets attached. =)
After the fireflies finally started blinking, the boys went hunting.

Jeff helped Lily catch one!

This one was trying to get in the jar!

Our firefly haul:

Catching fireflies was one of my favorite things in the summer too when I was little. Now I like watching the kids enjoy it.
While our list is getting shorter, so is our summer. We are trying to pack it in with a few more activities: Vacation Bible School, swimming lessons, soccer, zoo trips, more art projects, and just playing. We also want to get in some resting and laziness before the the new school year. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!!

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