Another thing we got to check off was taking a nature walk:

They did get to walk down some fun trails with Aunt Amy, and they saw little creeks, lots of plants and trees, and lots of insects. Then, when we were almost back to the car, we saw a deer!!
I have closer pictures of the deer, but they are all blurry for some reason. :0( The deer just stood there while we looked at it and took pictures. The kids weren't exactly quiet either....
They wanted to make their walk last longer, but it was still over 100 degrees, and it was 8:00 at night! We told them we would come back when it was cooler.

We have also checked off go to the drive-in. We technically went to the drive-in already. We went right before we wrote the list, but the kids wanted to go see Mr. Popper's Penguins at the drive-in. Well, we didn't get to it before it left the main theatres. Luckily, we have The Palace theatre, where they play movies no longer in the main theatres, and it's way cheaper!! So, yesterday, we went to see Mr. Popper's Penguins in the theatre instead of the drive-in, and the kids agreed that we could check off the drive-in too. Yeah!
We still have a few more things to check off of our list. Some of them might have to wait until after school starts, or not get done at all this summer. Things like go fishing (it is way too hot to sit there in one spot and fish) and go to World's of Fun (we may change this to the State Fair and go in September). But, we will try to get as much checked off as possible. Even if we don't get it all done, we have had a lot of fun this summer!!!