Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rain, Sleet, Ice, Snow....

Looks like snow, doesn't it? You would be wrong. This is actually what was falling by our house yesterday afternoon. What is it you ask? Ice pellets. Fun....

Yesterday, my sister Amy said she heard someone on the radio call what was coming down in Wichita "unidentified precipitation." I would have to agree with this person. We had ice pellets, sleet, a tiny bit of snow, and I swear I saw rain coming down last night. All the while the weathermen kept saying, "The snow is coming!" If you live in Wichita, I know that the west side of town actually got some snow yesterday, but not here on the east side. On the ten o'clock news, they said we would wake up to 2 -4 inches of snow with more to come during the day. This is what we woke up to:
More ice! With a light dusting of snow.
This is our poor little tree covered in ice.

It is actually snowing now.

The boys are super excited and Lily keeps looking outside and laughing. Hopefully they will be able to play in it later on.

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